ADOPT-A-KID This year there are so many families struggling during the Christmas season. Saint Patrick High School has once again “adopted” 120 kids for which we will provide some […]
ADOPT-A-KID This year there are so many families struggling during the Christmas season. Saint Patrick High School has once again “adopted” 120 kids for which we will provide some […]
AUDITIONS & TECHNICAL CREW INTERVIEWS FOR SPRING MUSICAL Come on out to audition and interview for technical crew positions for the spring musical Joseph and the Amazing Technical Dreamcoat after […]
SHAMROCK TOY DRIVE The toys we received as children we often took for granted because we usually received many. For these kids the toy they get through the toy […]
KAIROS RETREAT All seniors attending the Kairos Retreat December 4th – 7th need to get their forms into Mr. Raho ASAP. Please drop off your form in Room 25 […]
PHOTO RETAKES HR Imaging will be here TOMORROW for underclassmen that were not in school for the original date and those wishing to do a retake. OPEN MIC NIGHT Hey folk’s […]
PHOTO RETAKES HR Imaging will be here this Wednesday for underclassmen that were not in school for the original date and those wishing to do a retake. OPEN MIC NIGHT […]
In light of the weather forecast and in consideration of our students’ safety in getting to school, Saint Patrick High School will have a Cyber Day Monday, November 26. We […]
BAGS TOURNAMENT If you and a friend would like to compete in the Meet the Shamrock Bags Tournament after school TODAY, see Mr. Ebrom in Room 103 to sign […]
FROSH/SOPH BOOK DISCUSSION The freshman/sophomore Book Discussion groups meet TODAY to vote for our 3rd and 4th books. Bring your lunch and your iPad to the Library Reading Loft […]
3D PRINTING PUMPKIN CONTEST The 3D Printing Club meets after school TODAY. All members are encouraged to attend. If you printed a pumpkin for the contest, please come after […]