Saint Patrick High School Retreats

Students have many opportunities for spiritual growth. One such way is through the Retreat Program. Freshmen and Sophomores participate in a one-day, in-house retreat, facilitated by a retreat director, teachers, and peers.


The Junior Retreat is a time for students to pause, look back and reflect on their life as they continue to grow in faith with Christ. The retreat is an overnight that takes place at LaSalle Manor in Plano, Illinois. It is run by the LaSalle Manor Staff and chaperoned by two Saint Patrick Faculty Members. It is truly one of the great experiences of Junior Year.


The Kairos retreat is a four day, three night intensive retreat that takes place at Saint Benedict’s Abbey in Benet Lake, Wisconsin.

The basic format of these days is as follows: A look at ourselves, our relationship to our neighbors, a look at God, and our response to God, especially through the person of Jesus Christ. The Retreat is led by a trained team of 10 people, 6 student leaders and 4 adult leaders. The Kairos retreat serves as the capstone of the retreat experience at Saint Patrick High School.