Why I Chose Saint Patrick: Rudy Cazenave

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Rudy Cazenave knew he wanted to be a Shamrock in 5th grade. His mom, Annette Cazenave, says her earliest interactions with the admissions team, coaches and parents confirmed he was making the right decision. “Intellectually and instinctively, I knew St. Pat’s was the right place for him to be.”

Here is why the Cazenave family chose Saint Patrick High School in their own words.

First, single gender education is very important to our family. Another reason we chose Saint Patrick is the academic opportunities the school provides including STEAM, the INCubatoredu Entrepreneurship Program and PACC (Program for Advanced College Credit). Also, important to us was the diversity of the student body which reflects the demographics of the country and teaches the young men at St. Pat’s to be comfortable dealing with people from any background and of any heritage. Finally, the engaged faculty and staff. For Rudy, it was the coaches, admissions team and the Shadow Day that sealed it.

Saint Patrick has lived up to our expectations and more. It was evident from the start that faculty, staff and administrators were fully engaged and focused on each student as an individual. What has exceeded my expectations as a parent is the consistency and depth of the attention. It’s beyond academics. It’s supporting and encouraging each student to be the best person (not just student) they can be.

Rudy played football his freshman and sophomore year, joined the Spanish Club and was on Student Council. Later, he joined Track & Field as a thrower even though he had never thrown before. Rudy was invited, welcomed and encouraged to join multiple sports/activities and with whichever he chose to do. This year he was asked to be a mentor for Freshmen. His entire experience at Saint Patrick, very quickly, gave him the confidence he never had before. He has found his voice and has become secure in who he is because he is a Shamrock.

It doesn’t matter how smart or average your son is; super athlete or complete klutz; computer/science whiz or actor or singer; outgoing or shy, he will fit in at St. Pat’s. He will be embraced and accepted by the entire Shamrock family. If he wants to jump in with both feet or dip a toe in any activity, there is something for him. With the consistency and depth of individual attention, no one “slips through the cracks” at St. Pat’s. The Brotherhood is a genuine phenomenon.

As I have told many friends who are looking at high schools for their son(s), whether they are looking at two schools or twenty, they are doing their sons and themselves a disservice if they don’t include St. Pat’s in the mix. They need to come on campus to speak to people, feel the culture and the energy that has kept this school relevant, modern and at the forefront of Catholic education for 159 years.

As a parent, I have gotten more involved with the school by volunteering. I continue to be impressed with everyone associated with Saint Patrick. The faculty, staff, administration, alumni and current families truly live the Catholic School and Lasallian mission in everything they do.

To learn more about Saint Patrick High School, visit us at our Fall Open Houses on Thursday, October 24 and Thursday, November 14 from 6-8 pm. There are also opportunities to be a Shamrock for a Day by scheduling a Shadow Day.