Monday, December 3, 2018 – No. 73

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This year there are so many families struggling during the Christmas season.  Saint Patrick High School has once again “adopted” 120 kids for which we will provide some Christmas cheer.  Every student should give their A Period teacher $3.00 to cover the cost of gifts that these children otherwise would not receive.  Let’s spread some good tidings and make Christmas special for those in need!

Come on out to audition and interview for technical crew positions for the spring musical Joseph and the Amazing Technical Dreamcoat after school TODAY in the Atrium.  We are looking for over 30+ cast members, and experience is NOT necessary.  If you would like to audition, please prepare a short song to sing.  If you would like to be on crew, please be ready for a short interview.  Crew positions are available in lighting, sound, backstage running crew, set construction, and painting.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Arndt.

The toys we received as children we often took for granted because we usually received many.  For these kids the toy they get through the toy drive is often the only toy they received for Christmas.  Please donate new unwrapped toys for 10-12 year old children in the donation box located in the Library.  This is for a senior service project and all donations will go to the Irving Park Food Pantry for distribution.


REGULAR SCHEDULE – Tuesday, December 4, 2018