Thursday, September 13, 2018 – No. 23

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The final seating of your graduation portrait is Wednesday, September 19th. Coat and tie is expected.  There will be a $10.00 charge for pictures in cap and gown.

Think you and your friends have what it takes to beat the faculty at dodgeball?  Sign up this week for the Homecoming Dodgeball Tournament.  Teams of 5 can sign up this week during lunch periods in Rooms 103 and 22.

Homecoming Dance tickets are now on sale during lunch periods in Rooms 103 and 22.  Tickets are $30.00 per couple, $25.00 per couple for seniors, and $15.00 for a single.  Get your tickets TODAY!

Art Club to tour New York over Easter Break.  If that sounds amazing to you, please stop into Ms. Blatchley’s Room for more details.  There will be an informational evening on Tuesday, September 18 from 7:00 – 8:00 P.M. in the Atrium to learn more about the New York Visual Arts Tour.


REGULAR SCHEDULE – Monday, September 17, 2018