Wednesday, November 17, 2021 – No. 62

Home > Posts > Bulletins > Wednesday, November 17, 2021 – No. 62

Attention all Frosh/Soph Book Discussion members; don’t forget we have a meeting during E Period lunch TOMORROW to discuss Long Way Down.  Bring your lunch to the Library Reading Loft at the start of E Period.  Mrs. Esola will provide dessert.

This Friday, November 19th will be our 25th annual “Meet the Shamrocks” night. Wrestling scrimmages start at 5:30 P.M. and basketball activities start at 7:00.P.M. The theme is “Rock-in back to the 80’s”.  Some of the best movies in our generation took place during the 80’s like Ghostbusters, Back To the Future, Top Gun, Breakfast Club, and Hoosiers to name a few.  Dress like your favorite character from an 80’s movie and the best costume wins $25.00 from Coach Bailey!  The night will include wrestling activities, freshmen, sophomore, & varsity scrimmage games, cheer and dance routines, the world famous “Dancing with the Shamrocks” contest is alive again, 3-point shooting, slam dunk contests and the always popular Seniors vs Faculty game! See everybody on Friday at “Rock-in Back to the 80’s”night.  GO ROCKS!!


SCHEDULE: Thursday, November 18, 2021 – REGULAR SCHEDULE