Wednesday, October 13, 2021 – No. 37

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Support the Lasallian Youth’s participation in Polar Plunge.  Treat yourself to Portillo’s on Tuesday, October 19 from 5:00 – 8:00 P.M.  Show them a copy of the flyer posted in the hallway and that has been included in the weekly Saint Patrick reminder emails and 20% of the proceeds will support Lasallian Youth’s participation in Polar Plunge.

Today is our mission collection for the food pantry at Saint Celestine School.  Thank you for your generosity as we collect funds to help people during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  Faculty, please send your class’ envelope to the Main Office after the collection in A Period.

Lasallian Youth will be making 100 PB&J sandwiches and 50 survival packs for the homeless after school on October 19.  We will need jelly and about 15 loaves of bread for this day.  Please consider donating bread or jelly.  Items may be dropped off at the Main Office until Monday, October 18.  Of course, we will also need volunteers to make this happen.  If you would like to help us put everything together after school on Tuesday, October 19, please email Mrs. Wood.

Mrs. Wood is looking for old magazines to use for a project.  Please drop off any school appropriate magazines to Room Art 2.  The magazines don’t need to have a lot of photos, but it is a bonus if they do.  Magazines about any school appropriate topic will be welcome.  Collecting will take place throughout October.

Here is your Irish fact of the day from the Fall Play: Stories from Tir na nOg, performing this weekend only!!  Irish step dancing originated in the pre-Christian, Celtic world where druids would dance at festivals and rituals.  They danced to celebrate and also to honor the land.  Come and see our Irish step dancers this weekend!  This has been you Irish fact of the day.

Do you know any future Shamrocks?  Invite them to our first Open House this Thursday from 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.  If you are interested in helping out that night contact Coach Fabrizio, Coach Galante, or Coach Bailey.


SCHEDULE: Thursday, October 14, 2021 – MEETING SCHEDULE