Thursday, May 2, 2019 – No. 162

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Please join us TOMORROW for Friday morning Mass at 7:10 A.M. in the Chapel.  lease join us in this prayerful start to the day.

Come hear some great music TONIGHT at 7:00 P.M. in the Theatre.  You will hear songs of redemption like Stand by Me, Bridge Over Troubled Water, and Hallelujah.  It’s going to be Fire!  Tickets are free with student ID.

The Shamrock Shop is now selling Saint Patrick Teddy Bears.  Great gift for prom or mom on Mother’s Day!  Reasonably priced at $15.00.

Any Freshman interested in attending the Trinity/Saint Patrick social Friday, May 10, must submit your signed permission form and payment of $16.00 not later than Tuesday, May 7 to Mr. Stopka or Mr. Mourtokokis.  There are limited seats available so this is a first come first serve event.   Let Mr. Stopka or Mr. Mourtokokis know if you have any questions.

“About 40,000 people are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes every year.  Less than a third of these diabetics consistently achieve normal blood-glucose levels.  Out of control blood-glucose can cause type 1 diabetics amputation, blindness, heart attacks, and more.  As a part of their senior service project, Ismael Perez and Kewen Zhao are holding a fundraiser to help people with type 1 diabetes.  Consider being a donor, and donate to JDRF, an organization with scientific resources, influence, and a working plan to better treat, prevent, and potentially cure Type 1 Diabetes.  Donations can be made until Friday of this week to Dr. Iliff in Room 300, Mr. Doyle in Room 208, or Mr. Ebrom in Room 103.”


REGULAR SCHEDULE – Friday, May 3, 2019