Tuesday, March 16, 2021 – No. 134

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Congratulations to junior Timaris Brown and seniors Caleb Corro, Nick Galati, and Mike Hamilton on being named to the ESCC All-Conference basketball team.  A job well done and always proud of you guys.

All sophomore and varsity basketball players are reminded that uniform turn-in will be this Thursday and Friday.  Turn your clean uniforms into Coach Muro or Coach Bailey on the hybrid day you are in school.

TODAY starts spirit week.  We will be celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day TODAY and TOMORROW with full dress down days!  To end the week, Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th will be Hawaiian Shirt Days with uniform rules from the waist down.  

In addition, Student Council is running a school wide bracket challenge to celebrate March Madness. All students and faculty/staff are welcome! If you would like to participate, please email Jackson Gitterle ’21 at 1jgitterle@stpatrick.org TODAY. He will email you back with details.

Please see Ms. McBride or any Student Council representative with any questions!

As Father Dominic spoke about during his Ash Wednesday homily; during Lent we are called to practice the discipline of almsgiving, of giving some of our money to help the poor and needy.  This Lent, Lasallian Youth will be coordinating mission collections in A Period classes to collect funds that will then be used to purchase care bags for the homeless.  We will buy t-shirts, hand warmers, and gift cards that will then be distributed to those in need in our city.  Last days to donate will be during A Period TODAY and TOMORROW.  Thank you for your generosity in helping those less fortunate than we are.

Student council is holding a canned food drive to benefit the Louie G Food Pantry.  The drive will go through March 31st with the school wide goal being to collect 2,000 items.  If we reach this goal, both green and gold groups will get a free beef day!  Additionally, for every 25 items you donate, your name will be added to a raffle for a $20.00 credit to the Shamrock Shop!  In order to qualify, send a picture of your 25 items with your name and graduation year to Ms. McBride at rmcbride@stpatrick.org.


SCHEDULE: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 – ST PATRICK’S DAY; GREEN IN PERSON/GOLD REMOTE (St. Patrick’s Day/Green FULL Dress Down Day)