Monday, March 8, 2021 – No. 130

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As Father Dominic spoke about during his Ash Wednesday homily; during Lent we are called to practice the discipline of almsgiving, of giving some of our money to help the poor and needy.  This Lent, Lasallian Youth will be coordinating mission collections in A Period classes to collect funds that will then be used to purchase care bags for the homeless.  We will buy t-shirts, hand warmers, and gift cards that will then be distributed to those in need in our city.  Collections will be A Period on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week through March 17.  Thank you for your generosity in helping those less fortunate than we are.

Student council is holding a canned food drive to benefit the Louie G Food Pantry.  The drive will go through March 31st with the school wide goal being to collect 2,000 items.  If we reach this goal, both green and gold groups will get a free beef day!  Additionally, for every 25 items you donate, your name will be added to a raffle for a $20.00 credit to the Shamrock Shop!  In order to qualify, send a picture of your 25 items with your name and graduation year to Ms. McBride at

The Theatre Department will be producing Hamlet at the end of April. Auditions and technical interviews will be held after school TOMORROW and Wednesday in the Atrium from 3:00-5:00 P.M. No preparation is necessary. We will be auditioning actors in small groups, so expect to be here on either day for ten to fifteen minutes after school. Callbacks will be held after general auditions on the 10th for lead roles. Technical interviews for construction and run crew will be held at the same time on the 9th and 10th. Bring your after school conflicts for March and April to the audition or interview. For more information, contact Mr. Arndt at


SCHEDULE: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – GOLD IN PERSON/GREEN REMOTE (Spirit Wear/Cubs Gear Day in support of CJ O’Gara ’21)