Six Shamrocks Named Student of the Month for November

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Saint Patrick High School is pleased to announce the following Shamrocks have been named Student of the Month for November 2018.

Name: Joshua Esquilin
Year: Sophomore
Grade School: St. Sylvester
Reason for Nomination: Josh always brings a positive attitude to class and brings great insights that help his fellow classmates understand the material better. Josh is a leader in the class, often taking extra steps to make sure that his peers grasp the material. Finally, Josh is respectful and polite towards his peers and teachers, and is a pleasure to have in class.

Name: Alex Goworowski
Year: Freshman
Grade School: Pope Francis Global Academy
Reason for Nomination: Alex comes prepared each and every single day. He is respectful, kind, and helps others. He contributes to a positive atmosphere within the classroom, asks great questions, and shows genuine interest in his studies. He makes the classroom better for himself, his peers, and his teacher.

Name: Aidan Nichol
Year: Freshman
Grade School: Immaculate Conception
Reason for Nomination: Aidan has been an outstanding shadow host this year. He is a role model for his shadow, as well as his peers. He is always polite and always exhibits a studious and positive energy in class.

Name: Andres Niebles
Year: Junior
Grade School: St. Bartholomew
Reason for Nomination: Andres embodies what it is to be a Shamrock. He is kind, studious, and puts others before him. He always offers assistance to those in need and takes ownership in anything he does. He is never afraid to ask questions and will put others before him. He is a great student and a great young man.

Name: Ismael Perez
Year: Senior
Grade School: St. Sylvester
Reason for Nomination: Ismael is a Junior Varsity member of the St. Pat’s Debate Team and takes initiative to assist new teammates while juggling swimming and other commitments. He has volunteered his time to help novice members with speeches and research and at one Debate meet, took a freshmen “under his wing” and competed with him on our JV team. His kindness and leadership shined through as our Debaters competed against high-ranking teams. Ismael is a great student to have on the Debate Team and at Saint Patrick High School!

Name: Chris Phillips
Year: Sophomore
Grade School: St. Bartholomew
Reason for Nomination: Chris is respectful and always brings his best to class. He helps his fellow classmates when they struggle, and is often more than willing to ask questions to help him understand the content of the class. Chris is a very intelligent and hardworking young man who is a joy to teach.