Shamrocks save 369 lives by donating blood

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A group of 28 Saint Patrick seniors will be recognized with a special red cord at graduation for donating four or more units of blood throughout their tenure at the school.

Those students combined to save 369 lives through their blood donation, as each unit of blood saves three lives. Michael Taylor led the way with seven units of blood donated, followed David Ramos and Steve Silva, who each donated six units of blood.

The other seniors who donated four or more units of blood were: Isaias Acevedo, Dan Baker, George Bullock, Niko Childress, Dominick Colucci, Nathan DeLuna, Leo Erickson, Hugh Gallagly, Brandon Kaufman, Colm Keane, Thomas Kunzer, Patrick Lis, Raul Marron, Jack McLaughlin, Michael McNeela, Rory O’Connor, Victor Oscilowicz, Jordan Pelache, Luis Rivera, Anthony Scarpelli, Noah Smalley, Robert Suwalski, William Suwalski, Anthony Weidel and Tony Wesley.

English teacher Seane McMahon brought the Red Cord program to Saint Patrick. She recruits, plans and organizes the blood drives, and has brought vitality, energy and enthusiasm to a bi-annual event.

Saint Patrick holds two blood drives each year. Students must be 16 or older in order to give blood.