Seven Shamrocks Named April Students of the Month

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Saint Patrick High School is pleased to announce the following Shamrocks have been named Student of the Month for April 2018.

Name: Fernando Arreguin
Year: Freshman
Grade School: St. Celestine
Reason for Nomination: Fernando has been an outstanding student in my Language Arts class. He is always prepared for class and works independently without needing much assistance. His independent book projects have been stellar and his written work solid and on target. It has been a pleasure teaching Fernando this year.

Name: Nick Cira
Year: Sophomore
Grade School: Oriole Park
Reason for Nomination: Nick has been an outstanding student in speech class. He is always prepared for class and shows a commitment to personal improvement in his public speaking skills. I have enjoyed being Nick’s speech teacher this semester.

Name: Oscar De Leon
Year: Senior
Grade School: Beaubien Elementary School
Reason for Nomination: Oscar did a terrific job as the Student Speaker at the Benefactors Luncheon. He was well prepared and spoke eloquently as he shared his personal story and thanked the benefactors on behalf of all Shamrocks in attendance.

Name: Andrew Lucas
Year: Freshman
Grade School: St. Francis Borgia
Reason for Nomination: Andrew has been a hard working student in my Language Arts class. He selected interesting books to read and seemed to enjoy them. His independent book projects were well done and served as a model for other students. It has been a pleasure having Andrew in my class.

Name: Sam Perez
Year: Junior
Grade School: St. Pascal
Reason for Nomination: Sam has been an exemplary student in Speech class. His outlines and other written work is impeccable and his speeches serve as the standard for the rest of the class. He also has a love of learning and commitment to personal improvement that enhances the class as a whole. He is a pleasure to have in class.

Name: Huan Phan
Year: Junior
Grade School: International Student
Reason for Nomination: Huan is the hardest working student in my ELL class. He is always completing assignments, asking questions, and seeking help when needed. His commitment to his studies as a Shamrock could serve as a model for all international students at St. Pats. Huan is an exemplary student and a pleasure to teach.

Name: Jeffrey Schultz
Year: Sophomore
Grade School: St. Robert Bellarmine
Reason for Nomination: Jeffrey has worked hard in speech class to improve his speaking skills and develop good speaking habits. He shows enthusiasm when preparing for speeches and puts in extra time when needed. I was happy to have Jeffrey in my class this semester.