Saint Patrick to Host Students From Five Other High Schools for Service Project to Benefit Homeless Veterans As Part of Catholic Schools Week

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Chicago, IL (January 23, 2020) – On Monday, February 3, more than 80 Haerther Scholars, mentors and administrators will gather at Saint Patrick High School to create care packages that will be distributed to homeless veterans through Rags of Honor, an apparel company devoted to hiring homeless and at risk veterans. The Daniel P. Haerther Charitable Trust funds scholarships at each of the six high schools involved in the service project. Students awarded the scholarship, “Haerther Scholars,” must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need and show strong co-curricular involvement in clubs, fine arts, athletics and/or community service.

Each year, one of the schools with students benefiting from the scholarship hosts a service event for all Haerther Scholars. This year, Saint Patrick will host Brother Rice High School, De La Salle Institute, Holy Trinity High School, Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School and Trinity High School. The schools will create care packages including winter clothing items and toiletries they’ve collected to be distributed through Rags of Honor to homeless veterans. Rags of Honor was founded by Saint Patrick alum Mark Doyle with the mission of helping homeless and at risk veterans reintegrate back into civilian society after serving their country. Doyle, who graduated from Saint Patrick in 1975 and is a current member of the school’s Board of Trustees, will be joined by representatives from the organization at the event to speak to Haerther Scholars about their work with veterans. In addition, an Army veteran who runs one of their divisions will attend an All-School Liturgy on Tuesday, January 28 at Saint Patrick to address the student body.

During Catholic Schools Week, which begins this Sunday, January 26, the schools participating in the service project will collect travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo and deodorant. In addition, monetary donations are being accepted to purchase winter gloves, socks and hand warmers. Saint Patrick will collect items and donations throughout the week and as part of Alumni Night at their home basketball game on Friday, January 31 vs. Marist.

Other service projects Saint Patrick will be participating in during Catholic Schools Week include a fundraiser at Culver’s (4939 w. Irving Park Rd.) on Tuesday, January 28 to raise funds for Lasallian Youth’s participation in the Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics Chicago. In addition, the entire student body will help make 1,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches during lunch periods on Wednesday, January 29 to be distributed to the homeless through Night Ministry, a Chicago-based organization that works to provide housing, healthcare and connection to members of our community struggling with poverty and homelessness.

Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. The theme for this year’s National Catholic Schools Week from Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1 is “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” The theme encompasses the core products and values that can be found in Catholic schools across the country. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants, and leaders. These shared qualities are what make Catholic schools work. They are what make Catholic schools succeed.

For more information about Catholic Schools Week, visit the National Catholic Educational Association’s website at


Now in its 159th year, Saint Patrick High School’s mission is to provide an educational experience of the highest quality which enables young men to develop their maximum potential as lifelong learners and assets to society and the Church. Saint Patrick welcomes students of other religious beliefs, varying academic abilities and diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds. Students reside in the city of Chicago and nearby suburbs and come from more than 70 different elementary schools. For more information about Saint Patrick High School, visit


Rags of Honor provides support services to military veterans. These include training, education, and when needed, housing and other critical needs to help military veterans get back on their feet. The organization also provides much-needed support to military caregivers, the spouses tasked with caring for America’s severely wounded military veterans. For more information about Rags of Honor, visit

Jennifer Sloan
Director of Communications
773.282.8844 ext. 231