Saint Patrick community thanks “Hybrid Heroes” with newly remodeled Faculty Lounge

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Generous alumni, friends, and past and current parents came together in a big way to thank our “Hybrid Heroes” – the amazing faculty and staff at Saint Patrick High School!

Faculty and staff were treated to a delicious boxed lunch today in the newly remodeled Faculty Lounge. The lounge includes new cabinetry, granite countertops, appliances, and a television, all of which were donated.

We would like to thank the following members of the Shamrock Family for their generosity:

Steve Bailey ’79
Jim Labuz ’78
Luke Kinga and Stone Experts
Shamrock Moms’ Club

In addition, we’d like to thank Michael Collins and Alan Staunton, and the SPHS Maintenance Staff for all their hard work to complete the project and the Shamrock Moms’ Club for today’s lunch from the always delicious Unforgettable Edibles Catering!

And, most importantly, THANK YOU to the amazing faculty and staff at St. Pat’s who continue to serve our families and young men every day!