Nine Shamrocks Named Students of the Month for March

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Saint Patrick High School is pleased to announce the following Shamrocks have been named Students of the Month for March 2020.

Name: Joe Malo
Year: Junior
Grade School: St. Celestine
Reason for Nomination: Joe is consistently exceeding expectations for E-learning opportunities and attending to his work daily, if not in advance.

Name: Matthew Perez
Year: Freshman
Grade School: St. Monica
Reason for Nomination: Though quiet by nature, Matthew has jumped out of his comfort zone to be the first student to post his videos to FlipGrid and make his videos meaningful and engaging!

Name: Patrick Quinn
Year: Sophomore
Grade School: St. Thecla
Reason for Nomination: Patrick is always very on top of all his school work, always asking questions to make sure he understands, and consistently achieves at a high level in class. He is respectful, helpful, and responsible. He serves the community as an altar server and does well in this role. He is a truly well-rounded student and an example of success at Saint Patrick.

Name: Joey Thome ’20 (St. Eugene), Kwame Achampong ’20 (St. Edward), AJ Fitzpatrick ’20 (Oriole Park), Mickey Leyden ’20 (St. Thecla), Daniel Llamas ’20 (Chicago Academy of Arts), Joseph Perez ’20 (Mannheim Middle School)
Reason for Nomination: The six seniors did a terrific job representing their fellow Shamrocks at the Green + Gold Gala. Their presence was truly felt and appreciated by all attendees and Joey delivered an excellent speech.