Thursday, November 14, 2019 – No. 63

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Attention freshmen, sophomores, and junior, you can RECEIVE SERVICE HOURS by ushering at the theatre performances at Saint Patrick High School’s Stahl Family Theatre.  Your tasks may involve collecting tickets, passing out programs, and cleaning up after the show.  You will need to wear a shirt and tie, have a good attitude, and a smile.  Email senior Christian De Leon at to sign up to usher for Whodunit? on Friday, November 15 at 7:30 P.M.  You will need to be there at 6:45 P.M.

This is our second week of our Thanksgiving Food Drive, and the collection has started well, but we can certainly do better.  Remember to bring your donation of at least two canned or other non-perishable items to the cafeteria on either Tuesdays or Thursdays to receive your wristband to be out of uniform on the Monday after Thanksgiving.  Thank you for helping to make others Thanksgiving better.

Jostens will be here during all lunch periods TODAY to take your class ring orders.  Please bring your completed order form and $75.00 down payment with you.  Please see Mr. Jilek in Room 22 with any questions or if you need another order form.


 REGULAR SCHEDULE – Monday, November 18, 2019