Friday, October 20, 2017 – No. 46

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Please take a minute to check that all students are in dress code.


Do you want to see the fall play and gain service hours at the same time?  You can sign up to be an usher for the production of Peter and the Starcatcher today.  Ushers are still needed for tonight, tomorrow night, and Sunday performances.  There are flyers posted around school with further information and information on how to sign up.

There will be a short informational meeting for anyone interested in joining the Swim Team on Monday, October 23 at 3:00 P.M. on the pool balcony.

The Spanish Club is hosting a Quarters War Fundraiser to benefit the relief efforts in Puerto Rico.  Compete against the other grades for the right to dress up on Halloween for free.  See the table in the Main Lobby for rules and be generous in your donations.

Any Saint Patrick student interested in trying out for the Bowling Team must attend a brief meeting immediately after school on Monday, October 23 in Room 24.  Any questions see Mr. Dougherty in Room 24.

So you’ve tried making that paper airplane that can soar through the classroom like a Stealth Bomber.  Now try your hand at designing a 3D printed airplane that can soar through the Library Media Center!  Your plane must be 100% designed by you and 100% 3D printed.  See Ms. Esola for more details.  On Wednesday, November 15th the planes will fly through Saint Patrick High School!

Tickets are available for the Fall Play, Peter and the Starcatcher The performances are Friday, October 20 and Saturday, October 21 at 7:00 P.M. and Sunday, October 22 at 2:00 P.M.  As a Saint Patrick student, you get one free ticket with your student ID.  All other tickets are $8.00 per person.  Pick up your tickets in the Business Office or at the Box Office when you come to see the show.


REGULAR SCHEDULE – Monday, October 23, 2017