Five Shamrocks Named Student of the Month for August

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Saint Patrick High School is pleased to announce the following Shamrocks have been named Student of the Month for August 2018.

Name: Max Leavy
Year: Freshman
Grade School: St. Luke
Reason for Nomination: Max went out of his way to help a classmate in need. Without prior notice, Max was asked to tutor a student in Office Applications II; he dropped everything he was doing in his study period to assist, no questions asked. He was a great help to the student, and he displayed a positive attitude the entire time. Great job, Max! A true Shamrock!

Group Nomination: These young men were the epitome of mentors this summer with our first ever Camp Invention. The camp as a whole was a big success, and they were a huge part of it. I had many emails and comments commending their work most especially one family who had attended a Camp Invention previously and the kids didn’t enjoy the experience but when they came here one of their favorite memories was how the mentors encouraged them and made it a really fun week. I am so proud of how they carried themselves all week and were ready to help at any time. Without reservation, the below students are top notch Shamrocks and well deserving of Students of the Month.

Name: Dominic Cielak
Year: Junior
Grade School: Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts

Name: Kevin Ayeski
Year: Junior
Grade School: Leigh School

Name: Jack Warner
Year: Junior
Grade School: St. Mary of the Woods

Name: Jonathan Yepez
Year: Junior
Grade School: St. Frances of Rome