Dear Saint Patrick – Jackson Gitterle ’21

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Dear Saint Patrick,

Where do I even begin to thank you? As I am preparing for my next steps, I will always be grateful for the time I have spent in your halls and on Kurland Court. From a third grader attending your basketball/sports camps, playing in the Shamrock feeder program, attending Quiz bowl & Math competitions, plays and cheering alongside the STUD section- I knew I wanted to be a Shamrock.

Growing up with Shamrock Uncles and seeing how many fellow classmates/brothers they still saw on a weekly basis inspired me to become a Shamrock.  Being the oldest of four and the only boy, I really hoped that I would establish similar friendships. Now that my 4 very short years at St. Pat’s are over, I can already see that my hopes have become a reality. Through my duration at St. Pat’s, I’ve had the opportunity to make so many friends in many different ways from having the same classes, being involved with Student Council or Spanish Club and on/off the court. Through these different experiences I was able to make a diverse mix of friends, not just one group of friends.

Looking back on my first day of Freshman year, I was so excited to finally start my journey in high school and most importantly to start my journey into the Shamrock Brotherhood. I remember getting out of the car in front of the school and being instantly greeted by new and familiar faces. I immediately felt like St. Patrick was my second home. As I left on my last day of high school, I realized those once new faces are now some of the people that have helped shape me into the person I am today. Some of those new faces are the teachers that challenged me in the classroom and helped me strive to have the best grades and education I could get. Some of those new faces are coaches that helped keep me in check and helped me build up my leadership skills and sportsmanship on the court.

Not only am I walking away with lifetime friendships and a network, but I am also walking away with a solid education. Being able to take Honors classes all four years and having teachers who challenged us to ask questions and really pushed us to participate in our education set the tone. By setting this foundation, I feel prepared to continue my education at Michigan State University. The same teachers also encouraged and helped me develop my leadership skills. From my Freshman English teacher encouraging me to run for Student Council Freshman President to President of Student Council my Senior year, the teachers and staff at Saint Patrick High School really goes above and beyond. For example, during the pandemic the basketball coaches worked alongside the Varsity team on two different occasions to run a Food Drive to help offset the impact on our community.

The most influential people during my time at St. Patrick were the leadership – Dr. Schmidt, Brother David, Mr. O’Brien, Mr. Fabrizio and Ms. McBride to name a few. I will always be grateful for their kindness and their ability to build me up and keep me on task.

Thank you Saint Patrick High School.


Jackson Gitterle ’21, a lifetime Shamrock

To read more letters from the Class of 2021, click here.