Dear Saint Patrick – Charlie Moskal ’20

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Dear Saint Patrick,

I never could have imagined how my four years at Saint Patrick High School would play out. When I decided to go to St. Pat’s, it was simply because it felt like the right fit. Now as a senior looking back, it was the best decision I have ever made. Over four years, I have managed to become exactly who I want to be because of my time at St. Pat’s. There’s no place quite like Saint Patrick High School. There were so many things that came together to make my high school experience so amazing.

The first and most important thing that I experienced at St. Pat’s was the “Brotherhood.” Throughout the past four years I have become best friends with eight guys who I know have my back the same way I have theirs. These guys mean the world to me and without St. Pat’s we may not all be the friends we are today. The brotherhood at St. Pat’s not only gave me my best friends, it also gave me hundreds of brothers. Everywhere I go, I happen to see a Shamrock decal on a car or a sign in front of a house and I think to myself that there is someone around me who is a part of my family. There is something about being a Shamrock that creates an unspoken bond with the other guys. No matter what situation someone comes from, what’s most important is that they are a Shamrock.

Saint Patrick High School has taught me to be hardworking and persistent. I learned from day one that if I wanted to be exceptional, I would have to put in the work to be exceptional. Teachers like Mrs. Fiorante and Mr. Craine made me truly work to get the grades I wanted in their class. If I wanted an “A” I had to study and make sure I understood every concept beyond the homework problems. I’m grateful I had these experiences as they taught me what real life is like. School taught me about hard work, but football taught me about persistence. Coach Guerra wanted it to be hard. He wanted the early morning workouts and the three hour practices to be hard. He did this because life is hard. At the end of the day, it’s the guys who wake up early and work harder than everybody else that will succeed. Persistence is key. Football is not an easy sport to play at St. Pat’s. There were times I wanted to quit. I never quit and I would like to thank my teammates for making everything a little easier with their humor and encouragement. I may not have been able to play much due to injury these past years, but I am certainly glad I got to experience life as a Shamrock football player.

My dad has always said that I would get out of St. Pat’s what I put into it. During my four years, I was a member of the football team, National Honor Society, Chinese Club, Yearbook Club, Mentor Program, and led two Kairos Retreats. I invested myself into Saint Patrick High School and it was worth it. My high school years have made me a better person as I have become a better leader, friend, and brother.

My time at Saint Patrick High School was truly spectacular. My parents made the sacrifice to send me to St. Pat’s as their oldest son and I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for all that they have done. They have committed to having my brother Jack go through St. Pat’s and he will be entering his junior year in the fall. I know that he will have all the great experiences I did. I cannot believe that my four years passed me so swiftly. As I progress towards Indiana State University to study Forensic Accounting, I must say I am very blessed for my time at Saint Patrick High School. The staff and students at Saint Patrick High School have shown me what truly matters in life and I am forever grateful for that. I will forever be a Shamrock.

With Love,

Charlie Moskal ‘20

To read other Dear Saint Patrick letters from the Class of 2020, please click here.