Dear Saint Patrick – Bobby Fiorante ’18

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Dear Saint Patrick,

Choosing to come to St. Pat’s was a no brainer for me. Saint Patrick High School is in my blood. My dad graduated in ‘83, both my brothers graduated (‘14 and ‘15), and my mom teaches here. From the time I could walk, I found myself in the gym and around the halls of St. Pat’s. I started going to the ever famous Coach Bailey basketball camps at age 5 and have not stopped spending my summers there since. I cannot even begin to imagine what this summer will be like knowing I won’t spend each day there. That’s the thing though. The doors at St. Pat’s are always open so anytime I need to relive the decade of memories, I know I can head to the corner of Belmont and Austin.

Through the advice of my brothers and of others, I was told I must “get involved.” I took that advice seriously and literally signed up for almost all the extracurricular activities that are offered. During my freshman year, I got involved in the following clubs/sports: Academic Team, Chinese Club, Foreign exchange student mentorship, Liturgy Team, baseball, and basketball. As a senior, I am proud to say that I am still a part of most of those, while also getting involved in National Honor Society and the Senior-Freshman mentorship program. Also, this year I was voted National Honor Society Vice President. Finally, I got the opportunity this February to lead a Kairos Retreat.

At first I was skeptical of this retreat, but being able to bond with classmates I never really had a chance to get to know over my four years was indescribably amazing. The only possible regret a Shamrock can have when looking back on the four-year journey is his lack of involvement in the “Brotherhood.” This idea of “Brotherhood” was constantly preached about around the halls throughout my four years. Freshman and even some of sophomore year had me questioning what this word meant. However, after watching Jalen Nelson hit the game winner against Notre Dame my sophomore year, I realized just what is meant by this word. The feeling of complete devastation as the clock ran down was overshadowed by the sight of pure joy when the shot went in. All I remember is hugging Shamrocks that I had never spoken a word to before. The Brotherhood at Saint Patrick High School remains evident every single day, as Coach Luke welcomes, by name, each Shamrock into the building every morning. The pep rally is yet another example of the Brotherhood, since the competitive nature between classes led me to grow with my fellow brothers each year when this day rolled around.

As I journey forward at Marquette University for the next four years, I will be studying Pre-Law. Like most freshmen, I had no idea what I wanted to study in college. I was unsure until taking Mr. Craine’s AP American History class my junior year and his AP American Government class this year. His intriguing lectures about our society as a whole and about the American justice system have driven me to pursue a career in law. The biggest thing he has taught me throughout my high school career is that we do have a voice, and we have every right to express that voice. Overall, the one thing I would tell future Shamrocks to do is to always have your own voice, and don’t be afraid to use it. Also, get involved as much as possible because it’s a great way to meet lifelong brothers!

Go Shamrocks!

Bobby Fiorante ‘18