Dear Saint Patrick – Anthony Pasquale ’18

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Dear Saint Patrick,

At the beginning of freshman year four years ago I was about half a foot shorter, my voice was much higher, and I was in all College Prep classes. Eleven plays in the theatre department, four years of baseball, four years of broadcasting and three Kairos Retreats later here I am, an Evans Scholar, saying goodbye to the place I’ve called home for the last four years.

This incredible institution has taught me lessons that I will hold near to me forever. St. Pat’s is who I have to thank for turning me into the man I am today, much better prepared for college, the workplace, and fatherhood than I was four years ago. Of course in life there will be hardships, but what Kairos taught me is that there are hardships for everyone, and that you are never alone. Leading two Kairos Retreats also showed me the immense impact that one can make on another. Through retreats, daily prayer, religion classes, yearly service projects, and monthly masses, I have grown in my faith and as a man. If it weren’t for St. Pat’s and Mr. Raho giving me the chance to lead, I would’ve never learned these lessons that will carry me for the rest of my life.

The word “Brotherhood” is one that is thrown around a lot at Saint Patrick and it is also a word that this school is known for. Brotherhood is a word I liked to say as a freshman, but as a graduating senior, it’s a word I feel. To me, Brotherhood means knowing the people around you care about you and have your back regardless of any circumstances, race, background, or religion. I am proud to say I have strong relationships with international students, African American students, even a few Muslim students. Brotherhood to me shined the most at athletic events, like the Notre Dame game sophomore year. In that game Jalen Nelson hit a 3 pointer at the buzzer for the win and threw the student section into a frenzy. Shamrocks everywhere, on top of you, in front of you, behind you, all around you – that is what Brotherhood is. Shamrock Brotherhood is a lifelong thing. It’s a gleaming amount of pride for the school that molded you into who you are. The amount of times I’ve been at restaurants or Cubs games and have ran into people I’ve never met but notice the Shamrock on my sweatshirt and talk to me like we are old friends show me the lifelong bond that is Shamrock Brotherhood.

In the classroom I am proud to say I’ve earned a 4.38 GPA allowing my academic skills to grow and propel me to the next level of education. I will be continuing my academic career at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on the Chick Evans Scholarship for caddies. Thanks to Dr. Schmidt, I was pointed towards this phenomenal opportunity to caddy. Throughout my last four years I have caddied at Ridgemoor Country Club where I learned how to manage money and how to work for your goals. I have met many men and women who are extremely successful and learned from them and their paths toward success. Dr. Schmidt is also to thank for guiding me toward this scholarship that will give me the opportunity to continue my academics and pursue my dreams at a University I would otherwise not been able to attend.

I have been very involved at St. Pat’s whether it be Spanish Club, mentorship, Student Council, reading the announcements, or National Honor Society, I was always somewhere. The places I spent the most time were in the theatre, on the baseball field, or up in the broadcast booth. On the field I learned what it meant to work as a team and win as a team. I’ve learned lessons of discipline and integrity that I will continue to carry with me. In the theatre, through my many plays and musicals, I’ve learned how to communicate. I’ve strengthened my confidence in myself which has improved my public speaking skills and helped me display a certain charisma in my everyday life. Mr. Arndt, our director, is the one to thank for my growth as a speaker.

When you mix that charisma from theatre with my love of sports you find a perfect medium: Broadcasting. This is what I want to do after college and the reason I will be majoring in Journalism. Broadcasting the basketball games for four years has provided me with so much experience that will allow me to succeed and strengthen my resume for the future. I’ve called buzzer beaters, interviewed players and coaches, and best of all had a 15-minute interview with Blackhawks announcer Pat Foley, Dr. Schmidt’s pal. All of this experience in the field I hope to remain in for the rest of my life wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the excellent resources and opportunities here at St. Pat’s.

Thanks to St. Pat’s, a 14-year old freshman was turned into a mature young man. As I begin to say goodbye to the institution I’ve called home for four years, I’m proud of all of my accomplishments, experiences, and friendships. I could not be happier about my decision to come to St. Pat’s and am incredibly thankful that I have the chance to continue my education because of the lessons, resources, and opportunities I’ve had over the past four years of my life.

Although I may not be walking into the doors of Saint Patrick High School every day, St. Pat’s will always be in my heart. I will be walking out of Holy Name Cathedral very soon as a proud alum, of a grand ole school.

Dear Saint Patrick High School, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


Anthony Pasquale ’18