Language & Culture

423 Honors Spanish II

1.0 credit/Honors weight

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish 1 with a B+ or higher and teacher recommendation

Spanish II is a continuation of Spanish I. This course integrates vocabulary and culture together in each unit. Grammar is learned inductively as we read, answer questions, interact, and learn about Spanish-speaking cultures. Instead of teaching about the language, we prioritize strategically introducing students to frequently used words and phrases to create communicative opportunities for students, such as conversation, reading, and listening. In the second level of Spanish, students deepen their understanding of grammatical structures, expand their vocabulary and develop more advanced communication skills in the target language. The honors level course moves at a faster pace and includes more complex authentic texts for reading and additional units of study.

Somos 2 is the basis for the curriculum and will support students’ developing proficiency in speaking, listening, reading comprehension and writing skills.