Coronavirus Update – Upcoming Schedule (Sent Wednesday, April 8 at 11:00 am)

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Dear Family,

As we head into Easter Break through Friday, April 17, I want to take this opportunity to once again thank you for your continued support and understanding during this time. We are extremely proud of our students and their response to the current situation and hope they will have an opportunity to rest, reflect and rejuvenate over the break.

As a reminder, per the Governor’s stay-at-home order, including state-wide school closings, our students will return to cyber learning at the conclusion of Easter Break on Monday, April 20 through Thursday, April 30. Please see below for more information.

During this time all athletic events and extracurricular activities are canceled. Also, as a reminder the school building and surrounding grounds remain closed and off limits until further notice.

Green and Gold Day Block Schedule
We will continue with Green and Gold Days when cyber learning returns on Monday, April 20. This block schedule is temporary for the duration of the time that the building is closed.

On Green and Gold Days, teachers will have their students participate in one of two learning activities (Video Conference or Cyber Day Assignment).

Video Conference
Teachers may choose to offer a video conference during the assigned class time as indicated in the schedule below. The schedule provides an opportunity for teachers to conduct conferences with students without overlapping during the scheduled days.

Green Day
A Period 9:00-10:00 AM
B Period 10:15-11:15 AM
C Period 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
D Period 1:15-2:15 PM
E Period 2:30-3:30 PM

Gold Day
F Period 9:00-10:00 AM
G Period 10:15-11:15 AM
H Period 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
I Period 1:15-2:15 PM

Attendance for Video Conference
If a teacher chooses to offer a video conference, attendance will be based on whether the student attends the conference. Teachers will send the instructions for accessing the video conference to students in advance so that he knows when and how to access the conference during the scheduled time.

Cyber Day Assignment (Classes Not Using Video Conference)
If a teacher does not offer a conference s/he will provide an assignment that will be due at 4:00 pm that day. This work is not restricted to the times outlined above; it can be completed anytime during the day. Attendance will be determined based on whether the student submits the assignment by 4:00 pm.

Please see below for the schedule through April 30 (Corrected):

Monday, April 20 & 27 – Green Day (A to E Period only)

Tuesday, April 21 & 28 – Gold Day (F to I Period only)

Wednesday, April 22 & 29 – Green Day (A to E Period only)

Thursday, April 23 & 30 – Gold Day (F to I Period only)

Friday, April 24 – NO SCHOOL (Faculty Office Hours 9 am – 12 noon)

All school-related activities and events scheduled after April 30 remain on the school calendar, but are subject to change based on this ongoing and fluid situation.

The Shamrock Sweepstakes originally scheduled for Thursday, March 19 has been rescheduled for Friday, May 8. To purchase your tickets prior to the drawing, please click here. If you have any questions or concerns, contact John Prangl ’70 at 773.282.8844, ext. 266 or

The administration continues to explore alternatives for the Spring Musical, Senior Prom, Finals and Graduation should the stay-at-home order extend past April 30.

We invite you to visit our redesigned Coronavirus Information page for more information, including useful resources, at: Finally, I’ve included a video message to our students below.

Wishing you and your family a blessed, safe and healthy Easter.

God Bless,

Jon Baffico

For more information related to Saint Patrick High School’s response to the Coronavirus situation, please go to: