Coronavirus Update – Important End of School Year Information (Sent Wednesday, April 23 at 6:30 pm)

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Dear Family & Shamrocks,

As we continue to make adjustments in response to Governor Pritzker’s announcement on Friday that in-person learning at Illinois schools has been suspended for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, please be assured that we have been preparing for this possibility since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.

See below for important information as it relates to the end of the school year for freshmen through juniors.

National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
A virtual NHS Induction Ceremony was prerecorded and shared on social media channels on Sunday. A link to the video may be found by clicking here.

Academic Awards Ceremony
Similar to the NHS Induction Ceremony, we will share a prerecorded video honoring our Academic Award recipients on Sunday, May 3. We will send an email to parents of students being recognized with a link to view the video.

Green and Gold Days
We will continue with Green and Gold Days through the end of the school year. Mondays and Wednesdays will be Green Days (Periods A-E), Tuesdays and Thursdays will be Gold Days (Periods F – I)

On Green and Gold Days, teachers will have their students participate in one of two learning activities (Video Conference or Cyber Day Assignment))

Video Conference
Teachers may choose to offer a video conference during the assigned class time as indicated in the schedule below. The schedule provides an opportunity for teachers to conduct conferences with students without overlapping during the scheduled days.

Green Day
A Period 9:00-10:00 AM
B Period 10:15-11:15 AM
C Period 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
D Period 1:15-2:15 PM
E Period 2:30-3:30 PM

Gold Day
F Period 9:00-10:00 AM
G Period 10:15-11:15 AM
H Period 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
I Period 1:15-2:15 PM

Attendance for Video Conference
If a teacher chooses to offer a video conference, attendance will be based on whether the student attends the conference. Teachers will send the instructions for accessing the video conference to students in advance so that he knows when and how to access the conference during the scheduled time.

Cyber Day Assignment (Classes Not Using Video Conference)
If a teacher does not offer a conference s/he will provide an assignment that will be due at 4:00 pm that day. This work is not restricted to the times outlined above; it can be completed anytime during the day. This assignment may be longer in length to accommodate the additional time that is offered for the period. Attendance will be determined based on whether the student submits the assignment by 4:00 pm.

Faculty Office Hours (Fridays from 9-12 PM)
Office Hours are available to give students or parents an opportunity to speak with a teacher by phone. Please email the teacher(s) you wish to speak to in advance of the scheduled office hours with the best number and time to call during that time. When the teacher calls at the given time, the number will appear as blocked. Please click here to access the Faculty Directory.

Counselor Availability
Students or parents may also contact counselors via email with a phone number and time between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm during scheduled Cyber Days that would be convenient to speak. Please visit the Student Services Directory to contact your son(s) counselor at least 24 hours in advance. When the counselor calls at the given time, the number will appear as blocked.

Final Exams/Assessment Days
Traditional final exams will not be given. Teachers will provide a tool for assessment on the material students learn after Easter Break – similar to what students experienced on April 6 and April 7 prior to break. The schedule for assessments is: Wednesday, May 27 (A to E Period) and Thursday, May 28 (F to I Period).

In addition, faculty have the option of using an assessment tool for underclassmen, along with seniors, on Wednesday, May 6 (A – E Period) and Thursday, May 7 (F to I period). The teacher will provide further information with regard to their intended use of the assessment day(s).

All athletic events and extracurricular activities are canceled. Also, as a reminder the school building and surrounding grounds remain closed and off limits until further notice.

Per the IHSA, the Board of Directors determined that summer contact days are suspended for this year, unless state government and medical leaders indicate such gatherings are safe. At that time, the Board indicated a willingness to reconsider how summer contact might be conducted and whether opportunities for schools to conduct some kind of spring athletic events might occur.

Course Registration
Materials for the course selection process for 2020-2021 were sent via email yesterday. Teachers, counselors, and administrators are able to assist with the process as indicated in the materials. We ask that this process be completed by Thursday, April 30. If you did not receive the materials, please contact Mr. Perez at

Please know that our administration, faculty and staff continue to be here to support you in any way we can during this time. Additional information remains available on our website at:

We hope you are safe and well as you remain in our prayers.

God Bless,

Joseph G. Schmidt

Jon Baffico

For more information related to Saint Patrick High School’s response to the Coronavirus situation, please go to: