Tom Creighton


Dear Saint Patrick, Where do I even begin to thank you? As I am preparing for my next steps, I will always be grateful for the time I have spent in your halls and on Kurland Court. From a third grader attending your basketball/sports camps, playing in the Shamrock feeder program, attending Quiz bowl &...
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Dear Saint Patrick My first day at St. Pat’s felt surreal. So many new people, new classes, new teachers. Everything was loud and exciting. But it was also really scary my first couple of days. It felt like I didn’t have my place at St. Pat’s yet. I knew a couple people from my grammar...
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Saint Patrick High School, the oldest all-male Catholic high school in Chicago, will celebrate its rich history and tradition with a special 160th Anniversary Liturgy where its roots began in 1861 on Sunday, May 23rd at 1 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church. Mass celebrants will be Rev. Dominic Clemente ’08, pastor of St. Edward Parish...
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Dear Saint Patrick, Ever since the second grade, I have looked forward to going to Saint Patrick High School. I knew since then that it is a great school, which is why I wanted to attend. Now my brothers and I are graduating and moving on to the next big stage in our lives. These...
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Dear Saint Patrick, I was extremely skeptical coming to Saint Patrick High School as a freshman. I came from a public school and had no experience with religion in a classroom. Little did I know the time I spent at St. Pat’s would change my life. I remember my first day walking in the door...
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Dear Saint Patrick, One letter can not express the impact the previous four years have had on me while attending Saint Patrick High School. Even though time feels like it has slipped away, I cherish and treasure every moment I have spent in the classroom and in all that I have been blessed to have...
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Dear Saint Patrick, It is unbelievably difficult to sit down and write a letter about the past four years of my life. It seems like just yesterday when my 14 year old self shook hands with Mr. Baffico and Dr. Schmidt outside the school at the beginning of my freshman orientation. Now, reflecting on my...
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Dear Saint Patrick, I first discovered Saint Patrick High School in eighth grade while searching for somewhere to call home. I attended many open houses that year but did not feel connected to a community. My father, Philip Flynn (’88), attended St. Pat’s and told me that it could be the perfect school for me....
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Dear Saint Patrick, From the moment I got to St. Pat’s, everyone said it would fly by. I thought that was ridiculous and that four years would feel like four years, but it did fly by and my time at St. Pat’s is almost over. This has prepared me for college. Seeing how fast it...
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Dear Saint Patrick, Everyone says high school flies by. That could not be more true, but despite these last four years being extremely quick, they were also amazing. Whether it was the little things like talking about sports in Dr. Iliff’s classroom before school, or the big things like a basketball game against Notre Dame,...
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