

JOSTENSMr. Walter from Jostens will be here during all lunch periods TOMORROW and Friday for any ring adjustments. WRESTLINGWrestling season begins April 19th and for anyone who is interested in wrestling this year, there will be a short mandatory meeting TOMORROW (Thursday, March 25th) for Gold students and Friday, March 26th for Green students. The meeting will...
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SHAMROCK TRACK & FIELDThe Shamrock Track & Field season will begin Monday, April 12 for all those that are interested.  If you will not be involved in baseball, tennis, wrestling, or volleyball, come out for the Shamrock Track Team!  When your football and soccer seasons are over, track & field is the perfect sport to...
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SHAMROCK TRACK & FIELDThe Shamrock Track & Field season will begin Monday, April 12 for all those that are interested.  If you will not be involved in baseball, tennis, wrestling, or volleyball, come out for the Shamrock Track Team!  When your football and soccer seasons are over, track & field is the perfect sport to...
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SHAMROCK TRACK & FIELDThe Shamrock Track & Field season will begin Monday, April 12 for all those that are interested.  If you will not be involved in baseball, tennis, wrestling, or volleyball, come out for the Shamrock Track Team!  When your football and soccer seasons are over, track  & field is the perfect sport to...
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CONGRATULATIONSCongratulations to junior Timaris Brown and seniors Caleb Corro, Nick Galati, and Mike Hamilton on being named to the ESCC All-Conference basketball team.  A job well done and always proud of you guys. Congratulations to juniors Anthony Andrade, Bobby Habetler and Jacob Perry on being named to the All-Conference bowling team. BASKETBALL UNIFORMSAll sophomore and varsity...
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CONGRATULATIONSCongratulations to junior Timaris Brown and seniors Caleb Corro, Nick Galati, and Mike Hamilton on being named to the ESCC All-Conference basketball team.  A job well done and always proud of you guys. BASKETBALL UNIFORMSAll sophomore and varsity basketball players are reminded that uniform turn-in will be this Thursday and Friday.  Turn your clean uniforms...
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  LENTEN MISSION COLLECTIONSAs Father Dominic spoke about during his Ash Wednesday homily; during Lent we are called to practice the discipline of almsgiving, of giving some of our money to help the poor and needy.  This Lent, Lasallian Youth will be coordinating mission collections in A Period classes to collect funds that will then...
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POLAR PLUNGECongratulations to everyone who participated in the Polar Plunge.  Together the Lasallian Youth team rose over $10,400 for Special Olympics and led all the high schools in fundraising efforts.  A big thank you to Liam Jackson and Angelo Feliciano for designing and printing inspirational apparel.  And an equally big thanks to our team leaders,...
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POLAR PLUNGECongratulations to everyone who participated in the Polar Plunge.  Together the Lasallian Youth team rose over $10,400 for Special Olympics and led all the high schools in fundraising efforts.  A big thank you to Liam Jackson and Angelo Feliciano for designing and printing inspirational apparel.  And an equally big thanks to our team leaders,...
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LENTEN MISSION COLLECTIONSAs Father Dominic spoke about during his Ash Wednesday homily; during Lent we are called to practice the discipline of almsgiving, of giving some of our money to help the poor and needy.  This Lent, Lasallian Youth will be coordinating mission collections in A Period classes to collect funds that will then be...
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