April’s Student of the Month winners announced

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Name: Bryan Barocio
Grade Level: Senior
Previous School: Saint Sylvester
Reason for Nomination: Bryan is a spectacular student/musician/athlete. He inspires all others around him to be the best they can be. He always shows up early and stays late for any event to help out well beyond what is asked of him. He will be successful in whatever he pursues in life because of this attitude and approach.

Name: Austin Behrendt
Grade Level: Junior
Previous School: Saint Ferdinand
Reason for Nomination: Austin has taken on a leadership role in the Saint Patrick Anime Club and has shown initiative in planning for next year.

Name: Dominic Carnathan
Grade Level: Senior
Previous School: Lincoln Middle School
Reason for Nomination: Despite the temptation of senioritis, Dominic continues to be diligent in his course work, prepared for class and very willing to be an active and enthusiastic participant in class discussions.

Name: Oscar De Leon
Grade Level: Sophomore
Previous School: Jean Baptiste Beaubien
Reason for Nomination: Oscar is diligent, intelligent and focused, with a great work ethic. He always does his best to keep the highest standard of his work in his Chinese language class. He is also polite and friendly. He not only excels academically, but also is always willing to help others.

Name: Ben Fries
Grade Level: Sophomore
Previous School: Saint Celestine
Reason for Nomination: Ben is truly a pleasant kid. With a smile to offer and a quiet and respectful disposition, Ben is a contributor to everything he does. He is genuinely friendly to all who come in contact with him – an embodiment of the Saint Patrick spirit.

Name: Nick Herman
Grade Level: Freshman
Previous School: Jean Baptiste Beaubien
Reason for Nomination: Nick has achieved good grades through a strong work ethic and good attitude. He is respectful and caring to all his fellow classmates. His teachers talk about how engaged and prepared he is each day in class. Nick loves to compete and enjoys his Math and Science classes the most. He shows leadership in and out of the classroom and his carting spirit will make him a true leader for years to come here at Saint Patrick.

Name: Antonio Lamantia
Grade Level: Senior
Previous School: Dever Elementary
Reason for Nomination: Antonio is a motivated, committed student. Even more, he is a kind and insightful young man with a contagious sense of humor. Antonio’s work this year has made it clear that social justice and equality, the ethical treatment of animals and environmental sustainability are issues he cares deeply about. Antonio is a senior who will go into the world to make it a better place for all.

Name: Jakob Medina
Grade Level: Freshman
Previous School: Disney II
Reason for Nomination: Jakob brings a sense of humor to every class. He is dedicated to bettering himself in his sport and maintaining his grades. He shows maturity in conversations that he is able to have, as well as a strong sense of self and awareness of others.

Name: Justin Ortiz
Grade Level: Sophomore
Previous School: St. Bartholomew
Reason for Nomination: Justin is a team player though and through. As an athlete, he rarely misses a practice despite injuries. As a classmate, he is participatory and helpful. As a student, he is a recipient of work without complaint. Justin is an accountable person whose character pervades his actions day in and day out.

Name: Anthony Rees
Grade Level: Freshman
Previous School: Saint Cyprian
Reason for Nomination: Anthony has worked extremely hard all year to develop strong homework and study skills. His work ethic and participation in class has grown immensely, and this does not go unnoticed.

Name: Nicholas Scarpelli
Grade Level: Freshman
Previous School: Staint Hilary
Reason for Nomination: Nick graciously helps his peers with their schoolwork and is a great friend. Nick goes out of his way to give assistance to anyone in need, often without being asked. He is a strong student who does his work on time and participates often in class.

Name: Tom Tedesso
Grade Level: Sophomore
Previous School: Dever Elementary
Reason for Nomination: Tom is committed to excellence as a student and athlete. He has a tireless work ethic. He respects his classmates and teachers. He is always willing to volunteer his time and effort.

Name: Ryan Tholl
Grade Level: Senior
Previous School: Peter A. Reinberg
Reason for Nomination: Ryan shows outstanding leadership as a member of the Saint Patrick Anime Club.

Name: Justin Walker
Grade Level: Freshman
Previous School: Saint Catherine-Saint Lucy
Reason for Nomination: Justin never hesitates to ask a question when he doesn’t understand, showing accountability for himself and his learning. He goes out of his way to say hello and is a well-spoken individual with a tangible desire to improve.