A Message from the President & Principal

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Dear Saint Patrick Family,

These last few months have undoubtedly been difficult times for our city, our nation and the world. As we face a global pandemic and societal unrest due to racial tensions in our nation, we have much to pray for as a community.

First and foremost, our Catholic, Lasallian faith calls on us to affirm our commitment to the respect and dignity of every person, as it is one of our core values as an institution. At Saint Patrick High School, we strive to create a welcoming atmosphere of mutual respect, caring, and friendliness, and promote diversity as a life value for living, learning, and growing.

Saint Patrick was built on the teachings of our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, who “inspired others how to teach and care for young people, how to meet failure and frailty with compassion, how to affirm, strengthen and heal” and we continue his mission every day as we transform boys into capable young men who go out into the world prepared to be assets to society and the Church.

Over the past few months, you’ve heard us say our strength is our community. And we believe that, now more than ever, to be true. We must turn to each other during these unsettling times, and pray for compassion, love and understanding. It is our differences that makes us stronger, and now is not the time to be divided. We use prayer to help provide optimism and hope for the future.

As Catholics, as Lasallians and as Shamrocks, may we remember the words of the prophet Micah who said: “This is what the Lord asks of you: “To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.”

May we cling to these words as we seek healing and wholeness and move forward in prayer together. As a community we pray for all who have suffered an injustice, that justice may always be served. We also pray for those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect our communities.

As we continue to work toward peace and understanding, we want our students to know we are here for them. If any of our students would like to talk about recent events, we encourage them to reach out to their counselor or any of us at school. Please remember we’re in this together.

Saint John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us.

Live, Jesus, in our hearts. Forever!

Joseph G. Schmidt

Jon Baffico