2020-21 Academic Year Return to School Plan (Sent Friday, July 31 at 12:00 pm)

Home > Posts > General > 2020-21 Academic Year Return to School Plan (Sent Friday, July 31 at 12:00 pm)

Dear Saint Patrick Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff,

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we carefully considered our plan for the 2020-21 academic year. We are excited to welcome our students, including the Class of 2024 and transfer students, faculty and staff safely back to school in August for the 160th year in the history of Saint Patrick High School.

Our comprehensive Return to School Plan (Revised 8.3.20) ensures the safety, health and well-being of our students, faculty and staff remain our highest priority while allowing us to provide a quality educational experience. Over the summer, we had 250 current Shamrocks safely participate in athletic activities or summer school on campus. In addition, we celebrated the Class of 2020 in two in-person ceremonies at St. Ferdinand Church. In both cases, social distancing, masks, hand sanitizer, and temperature and symptom checks were used to keep our community safe.

We encourage you to read the plan carefully. A lot of time and thought was put into making sure we tried to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please be aware that, while this plan is considered final, it is a fluid document that may require frequent changes based on state and local health conditions and guidance. We are committed to communicating any changes with you in a timely manner and are always here to answer any questions or concerns.

Later today, parents will receive an invitation to attend a Virtual Town Hall Webinar on Monday, August 3 where we will discuss our return to school plans, including new safety measures and precautions, and answer any questions. In the meantime, please remember we need everyone to do their part in order for this to work. We ask that you follow social distancing guidelines, wear your masks, wash your hands and monitor yourselves and everyone in your home for symptoms of COVID-19.

With your help, we look forward to safely bringing the young men of Saint Patrick back together again.

God Bless,

Jon Baffico