The Saint Patrick High School Academic Program consists of nine fully staffed departments, each with a Department Chair and a robust offering of courses to help your son meet his personal academic goals and most importantly, prepare him for life beyond high school.
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The Saint Patrick High School academic program consists of courses designed to challenge the ability levels of the student body. The graduation requirements are designed to meet most college admission standards and/or job application needs. The academic program is comprised of various programs of study based on the student’s ability level(s). The Honors, Dual Credit, and AP Program is intended for students with high ability or special interests. The College Prep De La Salle Program is provided for the student whose ability is at grade level or moderately above grade level. The Blessed Brother James Miller Learning Resource Program is designed for the student who requires special learning attention and needs additional assistance in certain subject areas.
The Saint Patrick Career & Technical Education Program offers a variety of career orientated course options that, combined with our “core” subjects, make up College & Career Pathway opportunities. These pathways are meant to prepare students for specific college level course work and majors as well as offer opportunities for career preparation in various fields.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
The Saint Patrick High School English curriculum is designed to prepare students for future academic work in high school and college and for success in their chosen careers. Most importantly, English classes will help students experience, understand, and appreciate the role played by language, literature, and research in all aspects of life.
In striving to realize these goals, the English Department offers an integrated and comprehensive program. During the freshman year, students are trained in computer word processing and research skills that they will often be required to use throughout their high school years in nearly every subject. Literature, writing skills, grammar usage, and vocabulary development receive emphasis at every level throughout the required four-year English program.
All students must earn at least four credits over four years from the English Department’s required sequence of course offerings.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
Today’s world is dependent upon the rapid, visual transmitting of ideas. The study of visual/oral communications teaches the student how he can use the tools and skills of the artist/designer to express himself in a clear and intelligent way. During the process of learning, an appreciation of the arts is developed.
Freshmen who are new to the Fine and Performing Arts should choose between Beginning Band, Principles of Visual Design, or any Theater Class. Students with experience in one of the Fine and Performing Arts should contact the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning to discuss placement.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
The primary objective of the Language and Culture Department is to provide an opportunity for students to become proficient in communicating in the target language. Students will be exposed to and learn about the traditions and customs of the various cultures represented by our student population and will raise awareness of multiculturalism throughout the school. The Language and Culture Department currently offers a traditional four-year sequence in Spanish. As part of the curriculum, the department also offers two years of Spanish for Heritage Speakers. Both pathways offer opportunities for higher level elective studies including Advanced Placement courses. Incoming Freshmen are placed in Spanish I, unless their prior experience with Spanish merits evaluation for Heritage Spanish or a higher level of traditional Spanish. Native speakers and students with previous coursework will be evaluated at the Math/Spanish Placement Exam in the spring before starting their Freshman year.
All students are required to successfully complete two years of coursework in the same language. This requirement will allow them the time and opportunity to become proficient in communicating in the target language. Students are encouraged to enroll in all four years of language study for advanced proficiency, especially if they plan to attend a 4-year college or university.
Students are required to take two years of the same world language.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
The general aim of the mathematics curriculum is to provide each student with the opportunity to acquire and develop mathematical skills commensurate with his ability. These include basic areas necessary for everyday life in our modern society and topics which are fundamental for studies in a wide variety of disciplines at the college level and in other technical areas. The courses cover the traditional areas of high school Algebra and Geometry as well as advanced topics from a modern viewpoint. Both traditional and modern teaching techniques are employed. In an effort to keep abreast of modern technologies, the use of calculators is required and the study of computer science is encouraged.
At least three credits and the completion of Algebra II are required for graduation.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
Physical Education is more than a body-building program of activities for the purpose of healthful living or for the development and maintenance of physical fitness. It is also more than just the teaching of physical skills or playing games for recreation purposes. Physical Education is a method of education; it is a way of teaching students through experiences gained by participation in motor activities.
Two credits in Physical Education/Health are required for graduation. A student takes one-half credit in Physical Education/Health during each school year. Only those students with a permanent medical excuse from a practicing physician will be exempt from the two-credit requirement. Those students exempting themselves from Physical Education must file a medical excuse in the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning’s office.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
In order to contribute its part to scientific education, the Saint Patrick High School Science Department offers its students a varied program of studies. Science courses not only prepare the student for college studies in science but also build skills for non-scientific areas such as pre-law and business. Besides teaching the subject matter of a science, science courses present challenging learning experiences which are designed to improve reading, writing, communication, and analytical thinking skills. Skills learned in science courses increase a student’s chances of success in all areas of college study.
A minimum of three credits in Laboratory Science is required of all students in order to graduate. All Science Department offerings are laboratory courses.
Colleges and universities differ regarding how many courses in science they require for admission. Some require only two years of a laboratory science, while others require or three or more years of science. While a university may require two years of science for admission, a college within that university may require an additional credits of science for admission.
The State of Illinois Board of Higher Education recommends that the best way to prepare for college is to include at least three years of science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) in the student’s high school program of study.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
These courses, along with the required core courses in Science, Fine and Performing Arts, and Mathematics will fulfill the requirements for a student to earn a STEAM endorsement on his transcript.
In addition to these courses, students will fulfill an internship requirement and capstone requirement. (See Curriculum Guide for in depth explanation).
Students must declare intention to pursue the STEAM endorsement at any time between their freshman and sophomore years.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
The Social Studies Department objectives are:
Three and a half credits in social studies are required for graduation with one credit in World Studies, one and a half credits in American History, one half credit in American Government/Civics, including the Constitution exam, and one half credit of electives.
See the ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.
The Theology Department challenges the student to acquire an intellectual understanding of Catholic teachings and of his Lasallian heritage and to put this understanding into practice. The student is urged to embrace his faith in a living and loving relationship with God and neighbor. Catholic and non-Catholic students are required to complete the Theology curriculum.
Four credits in Theology.
See ’24-’25 Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions and service requirements.