Saint Patrick serves all academic needs. We capitalize on the diversity of our student body by integrating three programs of learning: AP/DUAL CREDIT, DE LA SALLE and BLESSED BROTHER JAMES MILLER LEARNING PROGRAM. These programs can function individually but are most often scheduled in combination with the other programs.
The AP/Dual Credit Program is a four-year opportunity for students with high academic abilities or interests.
The College Prep De La Salle Program offers a comprehensive course offering that paves the way for admission into top universities.
The Blessed Br. James Miller Learning Program offers a dynamic college preparatory program for students who are in need of additional academic support.
Through partnerships with four universities, students have an opportunity to earn college credit while at Saint Patrick. Beginning sophomore year, students can enroll in select classes taught by teachers with a Masters Degree in the subject area or a university professor.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with opportunities to explore careers and gain marketable skills while still in high school.
Learn MoreINCubatorEDU is developed by successful business leaders and gives our students the tools, knowledge and understanding to start their own businesses and test their ideas in the real world.
Download the full Curriculum guide for Saint Patrick High School here.
Each year, Saint Patrick hosts an Academic Awards Ceremony called the “Shamrock Excellence Awards”. The purpose of the ceremony is to honor top academicians and recognize their scholastic achievements. This includes “A” Honor Roll students, seniors who rank in the top twenty-five of their graduating class, juniors, sophomores and freshmen who rank in the top twenty of their respective class, and seniors receiving an academic Merit Award.
'24 Ceremony RecapThe Barrett Learning Resource Center is a learning center designed to provide students with both the print and electronic resources necessary for their research. The LRC is also committed to helping teachers acquire technology resources and skills that assist teachers in creating authentic learning experiences; support teacher instruction; and improve student learning and achievement while inspiring them to contribute responsibly to the digital world.