Thursday, November 29, 2018 – No. 71

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The toys we received as children we often took for granted because we usually received many.  For these kids the toy they get through the toy drive is often the only toy they received for Christmas.  Please donate new unwrapped toys for 10-12 year old children in the donation box located in the Library.  This is for a senior service project and all donations will go to the Irving Park Food Pantry for distribution.

All seniors attending the Kairos Retreat December 4th – 7th need to get their forms into Mr. Raho ASAP.  Please drop off your form in Room 25 TODAY.  Thanks!

Hey folk’s listen up.  For those of you who like to sing, write, play an instrument, or have any other talent you’d like to showcase, please sign up for the Saint Patrick Open Mic Night.  It will be held on December 14 at 7:00 P.M. in the Atrium.  Pick up and fill out an application in the Library Media Center and submit your piece to be reviewed by this Friday.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask Xavier Resto, Lucas Richard, or Ms. Esola.


REGULAR SCHEDULE – Friday, November 30, 2018